2021 License Renewal

Pursuant to Governor Sisolak's Emergency Directives 011 and 046, this year’s license renewal period will close at 5:00 p.m. PDT, August 19, 2021. You should have received a renewal notification, with renewal information, via email, at the email address the Board has on file for you. All licensees should renew their licenses online. To renew, you will use your email address and Current Licensee Portal (Service Portal) password. If you have not used the Current Licensee Portal before, you will need to activate your account first, by clicking here: Current Licensee Portal.

Please use Chrome, Edge or Firefox as your browser when using the Current Licensee Portal. Please DO NOT use Internet Explorer.

  • Please view a short video on the renewal process, below:

When you are ready to renew, please click the link below: